Profiling the Atlantic Clinical Trials Network

    To grow the number of – and patients’ engagement into – clinical trials within Atlantic Canada, we need to grow opportunities and train clinical trial research professionals in the region.

    The ACTN is pleased to be part of the CANadian Consortium of Clinical Trial TRAINing (CANTRAIN) . Our participation in CANTRAIN will result in significant benefits to our network.

    The ACTN is a partnership between Atlantic Canadian health systems (health authorities and universities) engaged into co-developing a clinical trial ecosystem capable of competing on the world stage by serving public and private stakeholders through research and innovation.

    Each partner brings with it a diverse network of industry, academic, and public sector stakeholders invested in advancing clinical trial access and efficiency across Atlantic Canada.

    ACTN’s partners include:

    This network will provide sponsors and investigators with the opportunity to engage the over 2 million patient-partners from across all four Atlantic provinces in clinical trials. ACTN’S vision is to improve clinical trial access and recruitment efficiency across Atlantic Canada and derive health, social, and economic benefits for Atlantic Canadians, including:

    1. Increasing positive clinical impact on patients: by scaling-up the number of therapeutic areas and improve access to trials in rural and remote areas across the region;
    2. Driving economic growth: by increasing industry investment and create more health research jobs across the Atlantic Canada region;
    3. Enabling capacity building: by improving the existing infrastructure of Internet-of-Things and resources to further access and analyse big data;
    4. Recruiting and retaining clinical trials research professionals: make the region more attractive to top clinical investigators, scientists and provide more attractive job and career development to health professionals.

    The ACTN views the collaboration with the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RIMUHC), The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) and other likeminded partners from across Canada as critical to ACTN’s mobilization and growth. Training and mentorship opportunities, like those that CANTRAIN will develop and deliver, are critical to retaining and recruiting clinical trials research professionals.

    For more information, please contact:

    Jocelyn Hiltz

    Director of ACTN



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