The Collaborative Training Hub is an open access launchpad offered to our partners and collaborators where anyone can quickly access unique clinical trials training resources and opportunities. These curated mini-series offer you access to high-quality learning material produced by, or in collaboration with, other Canadian leaders in the clinical trial landscape. All training is available on-demand via computer, tablet, and phone, and does not require registration or login.   

    Do you have a training offering or resource that could be hosted on our Collaborative Training Hub? Ideas for content or potential Collaborative Training Hub partnerships? We would love to hear from you: 



    DISCLAIMER: Captions are automatically generated and may not be fully accurate

    Towards an integrated framework for designing and testing behaviour change interventions

    Prof. Simon L. Bacon, Concordia University (Canada)

    This modules focuses on some of the major limitations in current behavioural intervention studies, explores the process of generating and testing a behavioural intervention as well as some key questions to ask of behavioural intervention studies.
    46 min
    Required pre-readings

    Designing Effective Health Behaviour Change Interventions: Using the Behaviour Change Wheel and Beyond

    Asst. Prof. Marta Marques, NOVA University of Lisbon (Portugal)

    This modules focuses on behaviour change techniques and on differentiating frameworks, models and classification systems applicable to behaviour change interventions, explores the Behaviour Change Wheel framework and the COM-B Model of Behaviour Change, and discusses the importance of specifying and classifying components of behaviour change interventions during their development.
    47 min
    Required pre-readings

    A Review and Comparison of Behavioral Intervention Development Frameworks: The ORBIT Model, The Science of Behavior Change (SOBC) approach, and the MRC framework

    Susan M. Czajkowski, Chief of the Health Behaviors Research Branch – Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, National Cancer Institute (USA)

    This module focuses on the goals and purposes of three behavioral intervention development and testing approaches, explore the key features and relationships between each of these frameworks, and also explore how best to select frameworks for the development of specific interventions.
    50 min
    Required pre-readings

    Clinical Behavioural Trial Designs (e.g, adaptive/SMART, Pragmatic, n of 1, etc) 

    Assoc. Prof. Sylvie Lambert, McGill University (Canada)

    This module focuses on evaluating behavioural interventions through different trial designs, exploring alternative trial designs used to evaluate components of a behavioral intervention and overviewing the strengths and weaknesses of each of the explored trial designs.
    59 min
    Required pre-readings

    Outcome selection in behavioural trials: Challenges and opportunities

    Prof. Kim Lavoie, Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada)

    This module focuses on different types of trial outcomes and their purposes, the unique challenges associated with selecting outcomes for behavioural trials, and defining the benefits of core outcome sets to improve outcome selection and reporting in behavioural trials.
    29 min
    Required pre-readings

    Optimizing Behavioral Interventions: Introduction to MOST

    Asst. Prof. Kate Guastaferro, New York University School of Global Public Health (USA)

    This module focuses on the rationale for, and process of, intervention optimization via the Multiphase Optimization Strategy (MOST) and Intervention EASE approaches and making contrasts with the classical treatment package approach.
    44 min
    Required pre-readings

    Feasibility and Pilot (F+P) Testing

    Prof. Simon Bacon, Concordia University (Canada)

    This module focuses on distinguishing between feasibility and pilot studies and exploring the knowledge gaps around these types of studies as well as reporting in relation to these two types of studies. 
    54 min
    Required pre-readings

    Assessments in Behavioural Trials: Treatment Fidelity

    Prof. Kim Lavoie, Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada)

    This modules focuses on the importance of addressing intervention fidelity within behavioural trials, understanding fidelity and its relation to adaptation, and identifying appropriate fidelity assessment strategies.
    38 min
    Required pre-readings

    Knowledge user engagement & designing for implementation

    Prof. Molly Byrne, University of Galway, Ireland (Ireland)

    This module focuses on engaging relevant stakeholders to maximise intervention relevance, fidelity, effectiveness, and implementation; identifying implementation barriers and enablers and selecting fit-for-purpose implementation and evaluation frameworks, strategies and techniques.
    38 min
    Required pre-readings

    Implementation Science Theories and Frameworks to Improve Translation of Research to Practice

    Assoc. Prof. Justin Presseau, University of Ottawa (Canada)

    This model focuses on implementation science, emphasizing its theories and frameworks designed to enhance the application of research findings into practical use. It outlines the differences between frameworks that help identify barriers and facilitators to implementation and those that aid in selecting effective implementation strategies.
    53 min
    Required pre-readings

    Ika Washington, MSc., BSc, Ph.D. Student 
    Critical Health Sociologist, Public Health Practitioner, Patient, and Founder of Diversity Talk


    DISCLAIMER: Each video of the series is in English. Automatically generated subtitles in both French and English are available but may not be fully accurate.

    This 18-part mini-series by CANTRAIN compiles for you the full-length sessions from our 2024 Clinical Trials Training Summit, held in Montréal in February 2024. This mini-series covers a variety of topics from strategies to make clinical trials more patient centric, to discussing the benefits of incorporating a behavioural science perspective in clinical trials, and hearing first-hand the experience of developing and implementing a comprehensive clinical trials competency framework. Watch or rewatch these sessions that give you key updates and insights from experts across the clinical trials landscape.

    Bright Future: Training Tomorrow’s Leaders in Patient Research Partnerships

    Linda Li, ​BSc(PT), MSc, PhD, FCAHS 
    Senior Scientist, Implementation Science, Arthritis Research Canada

    35 min

    Marginalization and Equity in Research

    Ika Washington, MSc, BSc, PhD Student 
    Critical Health Sociologist, Public Health Practitioner, Patient, and Founder of Diversity Talk

    30 min

    How We Can Make Clinical Trials More Patient Centric

    Natalie Coburn, MD, MPH
    Senior scientist, at Sunnybrook Research Institute; Professor at University of Toronto

    41 min

    The Future of Clinical Trials: Patient and Community Partners Perspectives

    André Pierre Picard, OC
    Reporter Health columnist, The Globe and Mail

    31 min

    Panel Discussion

    André Picard, OC (Moderator)Reporter Health columnist, The Globe and Mail
    Dr. Linda Hunter, RN MScN, PhD(C) (Chair)National Coordinator Trialists Stream, CANTRAIN
    Dr. Linda Hunter, RN MScN, PhD(C) (Chair)National Coordinator Trialists Stream, CANTRAIN
    Alex Haagaard, BSc, MDesEquity-Centered Design Strategist Patient Partner, Pain BC, Co-Chair, Knowledge Mobilization and Implementation Science Committee, Chronic Pain Network
    Dr. Natalie Coburn, MD, MPHSenior scientist Sunnybrook Research Institute; Professor at University of Toronto
    Ika Washington, MSc, BSc, PhD StudentCritical Health Sociologist Public Health Practitioner, Patient, and Founder of DiversityTalk
    Jeniffer EJ Monaghan, BA, LLBPatient Partner STROKECOG Executive Committee
    Maureen Smith, MEdPatient Partner Adjunct Professor, University of Toronto Dalla Lana School of Public Health, ACT Consortium, Patient Engagement & Training Committees member, Co-lead INFORM RARE Patient Engagement, IMPaCT Parent/Youth Engagement Lead
    Saeideh Mayanloo, BScSite Engagement Lead AstraZeneca
    Shurjeel Choudhri, BSc(med), MD, FRCPCSVP and Head Medical & Scientific Affairs, Pharmaceuticals, Bayer Inc


    69 min

    From Theory to Practice: Development and Implementation of the JTF: Joint Task Force for Clinical Trials Competency Framework

    Barbara Bierer, BSc, MD
    Faculty Director, Multi- Regional Clinical Trials Center of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard University; Director, Regulatory Foundations, Ethics and Law Program, Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Center Director, SMART IRB

    33 min

    From the Grant to the Field: Challenges of Developing an Innovative Curriculum for Clinical Trials

    Dr. Sandra Pelaez, BEdPsy., MSc, PhDNational Director Clinical Trials Training Programs’ Streams, CANTRAIN
    Christina FarantNational Coordinator Graduate & Postdoctoral Trainee Stream, CANTRAIN
    Monique Ostrout, BSc, DESSNational Coordinator Clinical Research Professionals Stream, CANTRAIN
    Katie Bainbridge, BA, MISNational Coordinator Trialists Stream, CANTRAIN
    Dr. Linda Hunter, RN MScN, PhD(C)National Coordinator Trialists Stream, CANTRAIN
    Mei Li, BN, MHM, PhD(C)Team Leader Clinical Research Educator, CANTRAIN
    Caroline Buote, BSc, MScTeam Leader Program Designer & Developer, CANTRAIN
    Dan Lafreniere, BScClinical Research Educator CANTRAIN


    73 min

    Crafting a Commom Language: Standardized Role Profiles for Clinical Research Professionals in Canada

    Munaza Jamil, BSC, CCRA 
    McMaster Continuing Education Instructors, Faculty, Applied Clinical Research Program, McMaster University

    24 min

    De-monopolizing Knowledge in Communities of Practice with Case-Based Learning: All Teach, All Learn

    Andrea Furlan, MD, PhD
    Physician-Scientist, UHN – Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, CAN-TAP-TALENT

    21 min

    Supporting Accessibility, Diversity and Equity in Mentorship Program

    Damaris Javier, MA
    Co-Investigator, National Research, Mentoring Network-Resource Center (NRMN-RC)

    28 min

    Pragmatic Lessons in the Design of Advanced Clinical Trials

    Kieran Quinn, MD, PhD
    Clinician-Scientist, Sinai Health, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto, Adjunct Scientist, ICES; Clinical trials Co-lead, Pan Canadian Palliative Care Research Collaborative

    34 min

    The Art of Biostatistics in Clinical Trials

    Anna Health, MMath, PhD
    Scientist, Child Health and Evaluative Sciences Program, SickKids Research Institute; Assistant Professor Division of Biostatistics, University of Toronto

    41 min

    Increasing Capacity of Maternal and Paediatric Clinical Trials in Canada

    Lauren Kelly, MSc, PhD, CCRP
    National Principal Applicant, IMPaCT , Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, University of Manitoba

    41 min

    Why All Trials are Behavioural Trials - Opening Remarks

    Kim Lavoie, PhD, FCPA, FABMR
    Professor & Chair of Behavioral Medicine,​ University of Quebec at Montreal

    13 min

    Towards an Integrated Framework for Designing and Testing Interventions Targeting Physical Activity, Diet, and Other Health Risk Behaviours: Why Some of the Major Trials Have 'Failed' and How We Can Do Better

    Simon Bacon, PhD, FTOS, FCCS, FABMR​
    Professor and CIHR SPOR Chair in Innovative, ​Patient-Oriented, Behavioural  Clinical Trials, ​Health, Kinesiology and Applied Physiology​

    39 min

    Why Should We Care About Implementation Science in Health-Related Research

    Genevieve Rouleau, RN, MSc, PhD
    Professor – Université du Québec en Outaouais; Affiliate Researcher – Institute for Health System Solutions and Virtual Care, Women’s College Hospital; Institut du Savoir Montfort

    29 min

    How Clinical Trials Can Benefit from Incorporating a Behavioural Science Perspective: Challenges and Opportunities

    Michael Vallis, PhD, RPsych
    Associated Professor, Family Medicine – Dalhousie University

    52 min

    Pragmatic Trials Training Program

    This 9-part mini-series, provided to you in collaboration with Health Data Research Network Canada (HDRN Canada) Pragmatic Trials Training Program serves as an introduction to HDRN Canada’s Pragmatic Trials Training Program  – a pan-Canadian initiative that offers weekly open-access modules on all aspects of pragmatic trials, from design & implementation to statistical analysis, quality control and other trial components. The distinctive feature of the pragmatic trials approach is that it aims to maximize efficiency by enrolling all participants with a condition of interest, having healthcare staff deliver the intervention (as opposed to research staff), and harnessing efficient data collection strategies that leverage existing pools of health and health related data, such as that available through networks such as HDRN Canada. Dive into this mini-series to wrap your head around the specifics of this innovative approach. 

    DISCLAIMER: Each video of the series is in English. Automatically generated subtitles are available but may not be fully accurate.

    Welcome – Program Lead

    Professor Amit X. Garg
    MD, PhD

    Pr. Amit Garg welcomes learners to the program.
    4 min

    Program Overview

    Dr. Taylor McLinden

    An overview of key details for learners accessing resources related to the program.
    6 min

    Exemplar Trial Intro - EnAKT LKD

    Professor Amit X. Garg
    MD, PhD

    Introduces the Exemplar Trial Intro – EnAKT LKD pragmatic trial and the curriculum wheel.
    2 min

    Exemplar Trial Overview - EnAKT LKD

    Professor Amit X. Garg, et al.
    MD, PhD

    Overviews EnAKT LKD, a pragmatic, 2-arm, parallel-group, open-label, registry-based, superiority, cluster randomized clinical trial to evaluate the effect of a multicomponent intervention designed to target several barriers that prevent eligible patients from completing key steps towards receiving a kidney transplant.
    13 min

    Exemplar Trial EnAKT LKD

    Professor Amit X. Garg, et al.
    MD, PhD

    Breaks down the EnAKTLKD trial across the 12 sections of the curriculum wheel.
    13 min

    Exemplar Trial Overview- AToM (Ambulatory Toxicity Management)

    Professor Monica Kryyzanowska

    Overviews AToM (“Ambulatory Toxicity Management”), a multicentre pragmatic cluster randomised trial to evaluate the effect of proactive, nurse led, telephone basedmanagement of symptoms on the number of visits to the emergency department or admissions to hospital.
    13 min

    Exemplar Trial - AToM​

    Professor Monica Kryyzanowska MD, MPH, FRCPC, FASCO &
    Assistant-Professor Melanie Powis
    BSc, MSc, PhD
    Breaking down the AToM trial across the 12 sections of the curriculum wheel.
    14 min

    Exemplar Trial Overview - ISLAND

    Professor Noah M. Ivers
    MD, PhD, CCFP and co-authors

    ISLAND:  Three arm, pragmatic randomized trial of intervention to support long term adherence an decrease cardiovascular events –  Combining data science and behavioral science to improve patient care, at scale.
    10 min

    Exemplar Trial - ISLAND

    Professor Noah M. Ivers
    MD, PhD, CCFP and co-authors

    Interventions supporting long term adherence and decreasing cardiovascular events after myocardial infarction (ISLAND): Pragmatic randomised controlled trial.

    15 min



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